Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Penrose Tiling Ruby-Processing LSystems

# A Lindenmayer System in ruby-processing by Martin Prout
# Loosely based on a processing PenroseTiling sketch
# by Geraldine Sarmiento
# tiling.rb
require 'penrose_tiling'

class Penrose < Processing::App
  load_libraries "grammar"

  attr_reader :penrose

  def setup
    size 1000, 1000
    stroke 255, 60
    stroke_weight 2
    @penrose = PenroseTiling.new
    penrose.create_grammar 4

  def draw
    background 0

# penrose_tiling.rb

class PenroseTiling
  include Processing::Proxy

  attr_reader :axiom, :grammar, :start_length, :theta, :production, :draw_length,
    :repeats, :xpos, :ypos

  XPOS = 0     # placeholders for turtle array
  YPOS = 1
  ANGLE = 2
  DELTA = PI/5 # radians or 36 degrees

  def initialize
    @axiom = "[X]2+[X]2+[X]2+[X]2+[X]"        # Note use of abbreviated rule
    @grammar = Grammar.new axiom              # here number equals number of repeats
    @grammar.add_rule "F", ""
    @grammar.add_rule "X", "+YF2-ZF[3-WF2-XF]+"
    @grammar.add_rule "Y", "-WF2+XF[3+YF2+ZF]-"
    @grammar.add_rule "Z", "2-YF4+WF[+ZF4+XF]2-XF"
    @grammar.add_rule "W", "YF2+ZF4-XF[-YF4-WF]2+"
    @start_length = 1000.0
    @theta = 0
    @xpos = width/2
    @ypos = height/2
    @production = axiom
    @draw_length = start_length

  # Not strictly in the spirit of either processing in my render
  # function I have ignored the processing translate/rotate functions in favour
  # of the direct calculation of the new x and y positions, thus avoiding such
  # affine transformations.

  def render()
    repeats = 1
    turtle = [xpos, ypos, theta]    # a simple array for turtle
    stack = []                      # a simple array for stack
    production.scan(/./).each do |element|
      case element
      when 'F'
        turtle = draw_line(turtle, draw_length)
      when '+'
        turtle[ANGLE] += DELTA * repeats
        repeats = 1
      when '-'
        turtle[ANGLE] -= DELTA * repeats
        repeats = 1
      when '['
        stack.push(turtle.dup)  # push a copy current turtle to stack
      when ']'
        turtle = stack.pop        # assign current turtle a instance popped from the stack
      when 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
      when '2', '3', '4'
        repeats = Integer(element)
      else puts "Character '#{element}' not in grammar"

  # create grammar from axiom and # rules (adjust scale)

  def create_grammar(gen)
    @draw_length *= 0.5**gen
    @production = grammar.generate gen

  # draws line using current turtle and length parameters
  # returns a turtle corresponding to the new position

  def draw_line(turtle, length)
    new_xpos = turtle[XPOS] - length * cos(turtle[ANGLE])
    new_ypos = turtle[YPOS] - length * sin(turtle[ANGLE])
    line(turtle[XPOS], turtle[YPOS], new_xpos, new_ypos)
    return [new_xpos, new_ypos, turtle[ANGLE]]

# library/grammar.rb
# Non-stochastic grammar
# with unique premise/rules
class Grammar
  attr_accessor :axiom, :rules

  def initialize axiom
    @axiom = axiom
    @rules = Hash.new

  def add_rule premise, rule
    rules.store(premise, rule)

  # replace each pre char with a unique rule
  def new_production production
    production.gsub!(/./) { |c| (r = @rules[c]) ? r : c }

  # control the number of iterations
  # default 0, returns the axiom
  def generate repeat = 0
    prod = axiom
    repeat.times do
      prod = new_production prod
    return prod


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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2